Call For Submission : Spirit of Love: Charity Anthology

It may seem ironic that I’d like to publish an Anthology of romance stories for domestic violence awareness but it isn’t. An estimated one in every three women worldwide experiences violence, with rates reaching as high as 70 percent in some countries. Everyone deserves to be in a safe and healthy relationship but there are some women out there that don’t even know what that is. In many cases women that experience domestic violence where also victims of child abuse. The lucky ones break the cycle and find loving partners but, so many others end up with people like the ones they spent their childhood with. We may not reach many women but maybe, just maybe we’ll reach a few women that somehow got their hands on this book and a spark will go off in their minds. “Wow, this is what is supposed to be like. I want this.” I may be too optimistic but, Winston Churchill said, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” So, let’s do this!


I’m looking for short stories of hope and triumph because of love. The focus should be an obstacle, choice, or tragedy that was overcome by the support of a loving partner. Any genre or time period welcomed.

★ Submission Period ★

Submissions will be accepted indefinitely.

★ Payment ★

As this is a charity book no monetary compensation will be given to any contributor. The reward will come in the form of exposure for your work and the moral gain of helping a worthy cause.

★ Length ★

I’m recommending a length of 2500 – 5000 words.

★ Rights ★

You retain all rights to your work. You are free to also sell your story to magazines, web sites, or even another anthology. I just ask that you wait until a month after the anthology publishes to give our book some time to generate donations.

★ Formatting ★

Email submissions only. Please paste into the body of the email. No attachments. Send to

★ How To Submit ★

Please use the following subject line when submitting …

[DVANTH 2014] STORY TITLE – Your Name

Also, in the body of your email please include the following: Title, Pen name (how you want your name to appear), Word Count, Real Name, Email Address, and Short Biography.


~ Keep Writing ~

6 thoughts on “Call For Submission : Spirit of Love: Charity Anthology

  1. Reblogged this on The Literary Syndicate and commented:
    Call for submissions for an Anthology, all proceeds to benefit charity. “I’m looking for short stories of hope and triumph because of love. The focus should be an obstacle, choice, or tragedy that was overcome by the support of a loving partner. Any genre or time period welcomed.”
    There are an awful lot of excellent Authors that visit here that could both benefit from and help this collection out. Check it out my friends.


  2. I’m not sure if my last question got through… Are proceeds being donated to a charity? If so, do you know which one yet? I’m just curious. May be interested in submitting. Thanks!


    1. The main two that I’ve looked up and appreciate their programs and the way they work have been National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) & Future’s Without Violence (FWV). The eBook is going to free, people just need to take a screenshot showing they made a donation. I’d prefer those two groups but if someone already knows of an organization or they want to help out a program that’s more local to them, that’s perfectly acceptable, helping is helping 🙂


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